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Today is Two-Day: time to fill that conversation gap

So it’s time to have that conversation that you’ve been putting off.  Time to hold yourself and your supervisor or career counsellor accountable for higher standards.

But if you can’t have the conversation today, don’t make that an excuse not to have it.  These conversations must happen if we are to feel better engaged, and happier.  Two-Day is simply a symbol, a reminder to have open conversations all the time.  Don’t wait until performance management time.  Manage your, and others’ performance, daily; and have the conversations that need to be had as they come up, rather than building them up into something difficult.  If you leave it, the pressure will build up, just like in a volcano, and eventually you’ll blow your top.  Or you’ll end up taking drastic action when nipping it in the bud would have got you through so much more painlessly.

So how do you go about having the conversation?

For supervisors and career counsellors, I suggest you use a coach-approach.  Ask questions that help the individual to talk it through, and get to the root of the problem, listen intently, be 100% present.  You don’t necessarily need to solve their problem for them (unless it’s something they are asking you to do differently!); help them to solve it for themself.

For individuals, approaching your supervisor or career counsellor for a conversation, think ahead of time about the outcome you’d like, and simply start the conversation with that.  Get it out on the table and then discuss.

For those of you just joining us, here’s more about Two-Day and Conversation Gaps:

What will you do to celebrate Two-Day

What is a Conversation Gap?

Which conversations are most “gappy”?

Trust and the conversation gap

Two-Day Countdown: Be More Demanding

Fill that conversation gap: Two-Day Storybird

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