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How was Two-Day?

Do share in the comments box how your conversations went on Two-Day.  How does it feel to have closed that conversation gap? If you didn’t get the chance to have the conversation on Two-Day itself, there’s still all the time in the world….and yet, there isn’t.  What I mean is that the longer you leave

Today is Two-Day: time to fill that conversation gap

So it’s time to have that conversation that you’ve been putting off.  Time to hold yourself and your supervisor or career counsellor accountable for higher standards. But if you can’t have the conversation today, don’t make that an excuse not to have it.  These conversations must happen if we are to feel better engaged, and

Fill that conversation gap: Two-Day Storybird

Just one day until Two-Day (22/2/2012).  In celebration, and as a reminder for you, Bob and I created this Storybird, a short electronic picture-book to encourage you to fill that conversation gap.  I’m really proud of it; I hope it inspires you to schedule a conversation – either with those working for you, or with


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