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Sheela and Clare

Mentor Coach Training

I had learnt so much from Clare in my coaching journey, through supervision and the local group she runs, that…


Mastery with Soul Retreat

This retreat is for experienced coaches, looking to bring some soul into their coaching, in a masterful way. How people…

Clare Norman

See the Wood for the Trees Retreat Day

The issue Diana [not her real name] was feeling lost and spinning her wheels.  She felt undervalued at work, and…

Making a difference

Action Learning

A senior manager in a restructure The issue He wanted to support his team through a re-structure when he himself was…

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One-to-One Coaching for Leaders

A leader seeking clarity to enable clear decision making Issue Melissa holds both an employed role as a Learning and…


One-to-One Coaching for Transition

It’s easy to relegate “people development” to a low priority. After all, operating the business and creating value are urgent…


Building a Coaching Culture

Issue The old command and control approach had suppressed the independent critical thinking of employees; and ceased to engage hearts…

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Team Coaching

Team coaching for senior learning and development team with a new leader The team’s issue Working with the new leader; increasing…

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Mentor Coaching

What is mentor coaching? Mentor coaching is invaluable, no matter what stage of development you are at, and whether you…

team talk 730

Group Supervision for Coaches

I hold group supervision sessions where my role is to help coaches to take a “super-vision” of their own coaching…


What it's like working with us



Build it
as we go





