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Mentor Coach Training

Sheela and Clare

I had learnt so much from Clare in my coaching journey, through supervision and the local group she runs, that I knew her Mentor Coach Training was likely to be thorough and useful.  I chose to invest in Mentor Coaching because it felt like an extension of my coach supervision practice work, in learning how to support other coaches to hone their skills in a focused way.  As Clare says “Mentor Coaching keeps you sharp”!

Another point was that the timing was right!  It also provided me with an incentive to get my next-level credential with the ICF.  One can only be a Mentor Coach once ACC renewed, or PCC.  I was so close to PCC (and driven!) that I went for it!  I used the mutual motivation of the two, and dovetailed the training with my PCC application.

Due to the training path, I didn’t “need” Mentor Coaching for myself, but could absolutely see the value, and wanted to check my own coaching practice.  It really is one of the most individually tailored CPD you can possibly get!  And that is part of this learning programme too.  It is really important, in my view, that we experience what we expect others to participate in.

With relation to what the programme felt like to be part of, I will say it was inclusive, highly practical, with lots of discussion and hands-on practice (we had to mentor each other, whilst others observed – so many layers of learning there!!).  Joining like-minded coaches means you can be vulnerable together, and there is rich connection from that.

Mentor Coaching has provided so many opportunities.  It has certainly paid for itself several times over.  And not just financially.  Every session brings new insights, not only for the coach bringing their work to be observed, but through the observations we make, and rich discussions that ensue.  One thing I learnt on this course was that you often learn more observing others, than seeing yourself!  That all gets ploughed back into my own coaching, and coach supervision practice, providing professional development for me too!

Included in the course are master classes, focussing on each of the competencies.  These alone are highly valuable.  It inspired me to enhance my learning with the PCC marker training, so, along with the master classes, I know the competencies inside out, which again, works its way into my coaching every day!

I would say that almost 30% of my business is in Mentor Coaching now.  I honestly love it.

Overall, Mentor Coach training was a positive experience, something I could use straight away, and continue to do so today!

A Case Study by Sheela Hobden
